My rate of blogging has been rather tepid this summer, but I'm making a concerted effort to post more frequently. By recently re-examining the reasons I enjoy keeping a blog, I hoped to reawaken some of the novelty that inspired me to post almost every day last fall. Another tactic: fresh design.
I've been toying with the idea of freshening the look of my blog for awhile. Aside from a couple minor changes, it has featured the most basic, pre-packaged default color scheme available. Though this means the page can look somewhat bland, particularly when compared to the many other blogs that look the same, the simplicity of the colors is also what appeals to me. So, for now, rather than dramatically alter the design of the blog, I've added a new title block. I like it so far, but maybe I'll make more changes later.
I have a lot of topics that I'd like to write about in the coming weeks - healthcare reform, being two (plus) years out of college, summer in the D.C., the nagging desire to travel this October, the impact of seemingly small decisions on our lives... Unfortunately, several of these ideas have been lingering in the back of my mind for months, prevented by laziness from taking shape. But I'm going to try!
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