Sunday, February 14, 2010

If I could fly, like birds on high

Seemingly immediately after writing about how much I liked snow despite myself, we were hit with our second huge blizzard of the winter, followed a few days after by our third.  People have been calling it by all kinds of corny names like "snowpocalypse" and "snowmageddon."

This onslaught of snow has, at once, marooned us in the house, transformed Safeway into a mob scene, made street parking a cutthroat battle with the neighbors, and turned deadlines at work completely upside down.  It has been inconvenient and annoying and, particularly considering of tomorrow's potentially snowy forecast, I do not really want any more this season.  Yet I stand by my previous post.  Snow is almost magical in its ability to beautify the dreary winter cityscape and engender a sense of adventure and camaraderie amongst friends and strangers alike.  And, for that, I am grateful.

In between watching a marathon of old Lost episodes with Steve and shoveling lots and lots of snow, I've been listening to this song.  It's majestic sounding, yet slightly whimsical, and it fits my mood this past week or so pretty well.  The lyrics are in French, but they pay homage to the fickle, entrancing characteristics of the sea (and are completely different than those of the English version featured in lounge singers' repertoires and in the end credits of the movie Finding Nemo).

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