Sunday, May 29, 2011

An innovative new restaurant, and two bright red tomatoes

I saw this article in the Washington Post on Friday and it made me instantly hungry.  Tucked in with a Lowest Price gas station near U Street is, apparently, a delicious restaurant.  Fast Gourmet was founded by brothers Juan and Manuel Olivera.  They picked the gas station site because they didn't have the money to rent a more conventional space.  It's an entertaining, feel-good article and, as the someone interviewed for the story points out, is something you would expect more from a place like Brooklyn than D.C.  Hopefully an indication of more great things to come from the D.C. food scene.  I rarely visit the U Street area, but this might just be a good reason to plan a journey.

Another note on food - I walked to the farmers' market for the first time in at least a month today and was pleasantly surprised by the bustle of activity.  In addition to the year-round staples and the holdover apples from last fall, there were herbs, lettuces, and strawberries everywhere.  I bought some garlic scapes - spindly green stalks that grow out of the top of garlic bulbs - with which I plan to make some pesto.  I'm seemingly incapable of visiting the farmers' market without buying goat cheese and a baguette, but today I augmented those old stand-bys with a tub of sugar snap peas, a pint of fresh chocolate milk, and two tomatoes - the reddest, most enticing I've seen since, well, last summer.  Phenomenal.

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