Monday, October 25, 2010

A glimpse of old grandeur

Inspired by Tom’s recent post about an organ-supported theater in Jersey City, NJ, I decided to pay homage to two fantastic places in the DC area.  The first, AFI Silver Theater in downtown Silver Spring, is not one I’ve frequented much over the years, though this is mostly due to the fact that I rarely go out to see movies. Originally constructed in 1938, it was renovated in the early 2000’s as part of the rejuvenation of downtown Silver Spring.  These days, the theater mostly screens artsy independent movies (I saw Waiting for Superman there recently) and is also heavily involved in the local film festival scene.

By contrast, The Uptown, despite modernized interior amenities, hearkens back to the heyday of single screen “movie palaces,” and all of the glamorous old-school Hollywood imagery that that conjures.  With its balcony seating and large capacity, the Cleveland Park theater draws crowds with major studio blockbusters.  The Uptown has been my favorite movie theater for as long as I can remember and it occupies a special place in our local entertainment scene.  When presented with the opportunity to see Star Wars or Star Trek or something equally big and sweeping on that huge screen, you don’t need to say you’re “going to the movies.”  Instead, you’re just “going to The Uptown.”

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