Never having been to a straw poll before, neither of us really knew what to expect. The volunteers had touted the possibility of free refreshments (nope) and, hoping for some face time with the mayor (also no), we brought a copy of the Washington Post's editorial endorsement for him to sign. We thought it might look good on our bulletin board, next to the autographed Vic Vickers poster from Alaska and the floating Princess Diana head.
The evening turned out to be quite an experience. I have never seen so many people, all so excited about local politics, crammed into one place. After struggling to find a nearby parking space along the street, we had to wait in a very long line to cast our vote. The poll was not just for the mayoral race - supporters and volunteers for a variety of city council posts were crawling all over the place, offering literature, stickers, and an earful.
With such a long line to vote, we hardly got to see any of the forum between Fenty and Gray. From what I did see, they bickered like a pair of bratty, contentious schoolchildren, which was kind of silly. Gray ended up winning, even though Ward 4 is Fenty's home district and one of his strongholds. Though the results of the poll do not bode well for the upcoming primary in September, it was, nevertheless, gratifying to see such a strong turnout. Democracy is alive and well in the District.
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