Friday, November 19, 2010

Isolated bursts of color

Walking home from the Metro earlier this week, I noticed something peculiar.  It had been a wet, miserable day, and drizzle was still slipping from the sky in forlorn little spurts.  There were a lot of leaves on the ground, freshly pulled from branches by the wind and rain.  But instead of melding into the slippery mess of the scene, they popped, with stunning effect.

Maybe it was the concentrated piles of leaves, gathered on the sidewalk underneath each tree like the glow of a street lamp.  Or perhaps it was just the bright autumn colors, held in such sharp contrast to the prevailing grayness of the day.  Regardless, I have never been so soundly struck by something's beauty on an otherwise gloomy Tuesday afternoon.

(more - and better - pictures to come)

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