Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A worthwhile reminder

The message of this website is simple, if a little flippant - it never hurts to keep the past two years in perspective.  Much of the electorate is disgusted right now by a frustratingly stagnant economy and bitter partisanship, but to claim that Obama has not delivered on his campaign promises rings a little false.  He has ushered many significant pieces of legislation through Congress.  Despite Republican vilification of many of these victories, I'm hopeful that public opinion will ultimately swing back in the president's favor.  Poll numbers, too, seem to suggest that, despite voters' frustrations, Democrats - and particularly Obama - are seen as more likely to compromise than Republicans.

Just a small bit of sunlight to help fellow liberals bear what is certain to be a painful shellacking at the polls tonight.  And for God's sake, no matter your political persuasion, please go vote today.  As part of this representative democracy, it's one of our most important civic duties.

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