Friday, November 12, 2010

The land of the elves, and other amusing things

I can't pretend to understand the science underlying this discovery, but I find it stunning nevertheless.  Taiwanese researchers have found that injecting the leaves of trees with gold nanoparticles causes the chlorophyll within them to emit a warm, reddish glow.  The discovery has sparked interest as both a potential biological alternative to some of the highly toxic materials in popular LED lights and as a futuristic, yet natural, way to illuminate roads without energy-leeching streetlamps.

This is all very impressive but, what truly captures my imagination is the thought of forests of ephemerally twinkling trees, similar to Lothlorien in the Lord of the Rings.  I'm picturing epic hikes through the woods, or perhaps a treehouse nestled among the luminous foliage.  Very, very cool.

Another thing that made me smile today, though for a completely different reason, was this tongue-in-cheek map (courtesy of Sarah), parodying stereotypes that many Americans hold about various regions of the world.  I felt like a jerk while reading it, but it's hard not to laugh at the phrase "Libertarians' Wet Dream."

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