Friday, January 28, 2011

Another narrow miss

Here we go again.  Last summer, buffeted by driving wind and rain, a large limb fell from our (former) neighbor Marketa's tree, crushing the fence and pinning a telephone wire in our yard.  After resting there for weeks (months?), we finally used a chainsaw to turn it into firewood.

Wednesday evening, bogged down by wet, heavy snow, a tree fell from our other neighbor's property onto ours, demolishing the roof of a third neighbor's shed, tangling another telephone wire, and doing as yet undetermined damage to our holly tree.  We're lucky it didn't fall differently, though, since it could have very easily wound up destroying someone's bedroom.  Since we have never met the people who live in that house and it seems too large and dangerous to tackle ourselves, there is no telling how long this huge tree will be in our yard.

At least we'll have no shortage of firewood.

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