Friday, January 21, 2011

I wonder if he also carries tissues in his pocket?

Since we clearly don't agree on politics and since I have never set foot in a tanning salon, one might assume that new Speaker of the House John Boehner and I have nothing in common (aside from a connection to Piqua, OH).  Apparently, this is not true.  According to this report, Boehner is "notoriously emotional" and yesterday cried a little during a ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's inauguration.

So, Mr. Speaker, take it from someone who once had to choke back sobs in a (thankfully dark) Sociology lecture hall while watching a video on the G.I. Bill - there is no shame in being deeply moved by the remarkable institutions upon which our country is built.

And to be fair, I carry tissues so that I can blow my nose when necessary, not because I am at constant risk of spontaneously bursting into tears.

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