Monday, January 3, 2011

Celebrations of the ordinary

For the same reason that I cherish this photographic book, many broadcasts of public radio's This American Life, and features in magazines and on blogs such as Andrew Sullivan's face of the day and view from your window, I love this video.  Titled "Words" by Radiolab and NPR and intended as visual poetry, it is a series of very short pieces of footage, stitched together with a beautiful background score.  Each moment builds upon the last, sometimes in very creative ways - puzzling together the transitions and connections made me smile.

But my favorite thing about the video -and the way in which it is related to all of those other pieces - is the compelling, touching way that it captures a broad cross-section of ordinary life.  Taken as an entire series, This American Life and the faces of the day do the same thing.  The Oxford Project, though focused on small town in Iowa, is monumental in its ability to chronicle the hopes, dreams, and disappointments of a set of people, weaving those thoughts into a larger narrative about the American experience.

Anyway, enjoy the video - it is fantastic.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Very cool. I was about a third of the way into it before I got it. Thanks for sharing!